Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mobile Shower Trailer

 In 2025, Streetreach will extend it's ministry to include a 2-stall Mobile Shower Trailer. This will help us share love and  dignity to our unsheltered friends. 

Shower location and schedule to be announced at a later date. All hygiene items & towels will be provided. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Need Help

 For Emergency Assistance please call our message line at 



Saturday, January 13, 2024

Overview of 2024

As the year 2024 comes to a close,we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared. This year has been difficult,but through every challenge, we've witnessed unwavering support from  our churches & community...this fueled our mission day to day.

This year volunteers received 8-10 calls daily from individuals seeking some form of basic emergency assistance, approximately 3210 request.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Who are we?

With your help and generosity we areSERVING THE HOMELESS AND HURTING IN

Since 2008, the Brunswick County Streetreach has been offering God's Help, Hope and Healing to the most vulnerable in our community....the hungry and homeless. 

There is NO permanent shelter, NO community Kitchens, and NO public transit system in Brunswick County. Therefore we are here to fill the gap. 

Streetreach  advocates, mobilizes and provides temporary shelter, meals, and linkage to other resources for those that are unsheltered. 

We are 100% faith-based organization. We have a 24 hour, 7 days  week crisis number ....910-842-2711. A small food pantry and clothing closet.  All services are FREE!

Streetreach attempts to addresses the root cause for our homeless neighbors, whether it be eviction, underemployment, substance abuse, domestic violence, mental illness or lack of affordable housing.  We do all we can to help prevent and break the cycle of homelessness.

 Streetreach desires to help individuals become self-sufficient again.